Saturday, April 5, 2008

It's NEW and Still in progress

Welcome to my new blog!

This is where you'll read confessions
of a Neat Freak: Bon Bon style

There are blogs out there that defend children’s rights, blogs to educate us on social injustices, blogs helping us to understand the peril the world is in and the personal blogs of journeys through life (and sometimes death).
I was floating around, enjoying some, learning from others, agreeing with a few but belonging to none. I had nothing to share. Not much to stand up for... until it hit me.
Somewhere during the last movie preview on a recently purchased dvd for the kids.

I clean.
All of the time.
It’s not because I like to...well, maybe I do get a little high from it here and there (the chemicals), but because I have to. My 5 kids could give Hurricane Hector a run for it's money.

You know that saying: “Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing”?

Well, I agree.
However, if I sit back and watch the flakes fall, pretty soon I’m buried in the drifts. And quite honestly, I’d rather shovel while it’s falling than to have to spit on myself (to figure which way is up) so that I can shovel my way out of the avalanche.

When I’m not cleaning, I like to watch shows about cleaning. My heros are Aggie and Kim, from “How Clean Is Your House?” Some of those houses they visit? I've been in worse.
Before I moved to England, it was TLC's Clean Sweep. I longed for the chance to haul out every thing I owned to sit on a tarp in front of the entire neighborhood.
Yeah, I have a problem. So....

I could just write a blog about cleaning, and how to do it quickly--but I won't.
That’s what the Fly Lady is for (I've heard great praise for the Fly Lady).

I’m going to post tips.

On cleaning.

SAH, Bon Bon-eating, Soap Opera-watching style

That IS all we SAHMs do all day, right?

It might get a little silly--so grab your bonbons, wave at the dust bunnies and get ready to tackle the job, one goofy suggestion at a time.


Sass said...

Aha - someone else who's ready Fly Lady.

Prefer your style of dusting only so long as the previews last, though.

Looking forward to using Peaches for skirting board cleaning.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.