Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Not Easy Being Clean

Something happened when I moved into this tiny little home.

It appears my cleaning flair has been defeated. I'm not experiencing that "my-sinks-are-so-stinking-clean-I-can-eat-out-of-them" high anymore. Maybe because they never are. ever.
I don't follow my kids around insisting they wipe down the backs of the chairs they used and I don't freak out when a full bowl of cereal hits the floor (gasp).

We left the "mansion" because I was cleaning from the time I got up until the time I went to bed-- but then one could see a difference. I could smell the difference. I was the dirt conquerer.

But here...

There's the grease smell I can't beat.

There's the dog hair that threatens to eat my stove (and we don't have a dog).

There's the mildew growing around the tub that someone before us spared. Instead of killing it off, they chose to caulk over it-- with clear caulk. When that made for an unsettling view during bath time, they put strips of metal-looking plastic over it, so that new mildew could grow.

So I'm thinking... we're carrying this bunny hugging thing a little far, don't you think?

Until recently we were left to use natural defenses against lice over here in the UK. The I-want-to-kill-off-everything medicines available to us in the U.S. have only just begun to creep across the pond. I don't know why I should have to live with creatures that want to feast on my flesh and make me uncomfortable.
Just like I don't think I should have to share a bath with black gooey uselessness either.

I also think I should have a choice as to which critters I share living space with.
When Joe Satellite Dude came over to hook us up to our 20 channels of BBC, he informed us that he couldn't connect to the existing dish and would have to install a new one.

You want to know why?

Because a pigeon had nested in the dish. So huge new holes were drilled in a £250,000 home. To save a pooping machine.
Another mess I would have to clean.

When does this crazy green carny ride stop?

When someone shouts, "I'm gonna be sick!"

And I did. The Hubby donned his killing gear and eradicated the mildew from the bath.
The new white caulk gleams like fresh, sparkly toothpaste.

But I still don't want to clean it.
I've lost that cleaning feeling...
I guess the big question is, do I want it back?

Photo is pre-mildew murdering spree (you think I make this stuff up?)